근긴장이상증(Dystonia)의 수술적 치료

  • 등록 2017.04.10 09:55:23

서울아산병원 신경외과 이정교 교수

* 출처 : 서울아산병원

서울아산병원 신경외과 

이정교 교수

진료과: 신경외과,뇌전증클리닉



2)감마나이프 방사선수술 

3)삼차신경통 및 만성통증클리닉 (척추수술후 통증증후군,만성두통) 

4)난치성 이명 

5)난치성 정신질환, 간질수술

학력 사항

한양대학교 의학 학사

한양대학교 의학 석사

한양대학교 의학 박사

주요 업적 


Comparison of the stereotactic accuracies of function-guided deep brain stimulation, calculated using multi-track target locations geometrically inferred from three-dimensional trajectory rotations, and of MRI-guided deep brain stimulation and outcom

Gamma-knife subcaudate tractotomy for treatment-resistant depression and target characteristics: a case report and review.

Two-Session Tumor and Retrogasserian Trigeminal Nerve-Targeted Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia Associated with Benign Tumors.

Rechargeable Battery: The Essential Tool for the New Era of Neuromodulation.

Repeat Gamma-Knife Radiosurgery for Refractory or Recurrent Trigeminal Neuralgia with Consideration About the Optimal Second Dose.

Three-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequence for visualisation of subthalamic nucleus for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease.

Long-term outcomes of hemispheric disconnection in pediatric patients with intractable epilepsy.

Surgical treatment for localization-related infantile spasms: Excellent long-term outcomes.

High-Level Cervical Spinal Cord Stimulation Used to Treat Intractable Pain Arising from Transverse Myelitis Caused by Schistosomiasis.

MR spectroscopy and perfusion MR imaging findings of intracranial foreign body granuloma: a case report.

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