암에 대처하는 우리의 자세

2017.03.28 14:02:36

서울아산병원 정신건강의학과 윤소영 교수

* 출처 : 서울아산병원

2016 서울아산병원 폐암의 날 행사
2016년 11월 3일 / 서울아산병원 대강당

서울아산병원 정신건강의학과
윤소영 교수

진료과: 정신건강의학과,스트레스심리상담센터,암병원
전문진료분야: 암환자스트레스클리닉, 정신계질환,심층상담

주요 업적 
Alterations of awake EEG in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder without cognitive impairment.

Sleeping Pill Administration Time and Patient Subjective Satisfaction.

Neuroticism and Perfectionism is related with academic stress in medical students

The Sleeping Pill Prescription Rate for Inpatients at a General Hospital

The Prevalence of insomnia among patients of ten most common cancers in S. Korea: Health Insurance and Review and Assessment service ? National Patient Sample (HIRA-NPS)

The AMC Inpatients Sleep Program: Sleep hygiene education and sleeping pills reduction program for inpatients

Increased inter-subject variability in brain activation responding to movie scenes in depression

Motivation mediates the interaction between emotional regulation and stress

The effectiveness of prolonged-release melatonin among primary insomnia patients whose sleep schedule was set

Take sleeping pills 7 hours before your wake-up time

The AMC Inpatients Sleep Program: Sleep hygiene education and sleeping pills reduction program for inpatients
편집부 기자 news@mdon.co.kr
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