2025.02.11 (화)

  • 맑음동두천 6.3℃
  • 맑음강릉 9.2℃
  • 맑음서울 7.0℃
  • 맑음대전 8.2℃
  • 맑음대구 7.9℃
  • 맑음울산 8.6℃
  • 맑음광주 9.3℃
  • 맑음부산 9.1℃
  • 맑음고창 7.8℃
  • 맑음제주 11.2℃
  • 맑음강화 4.4℃
  • 맑음보은 6.5℃
  • 맑음금산 8.0℃
  • 맑음강진군 9.4℃
  • 맑음경주시 8.2℃
  • 맑음거제 8.2℃
기상청 제공


GIST의 근치적 절제술

서울아산병원 위장관외과 유문원 교수

* 출처 : 서울아산병원

제13회 GIST환우 모임

2016년 5월 28일 / 서울아산병원 대강당

서울아산병원 위장관외과 

유문원 교수

진료과: 위장관외과,암병원,위암센터

전문진료분야: 위암, 위·식도역류질환수술, 비만대사수술

학력 사항

서울대학교 의학 학사

서울대학교 의학 석사

교육 및 연구 경력

현)서울아산병원 위장관외과 임상부교수

주요 업적 


Over-the-wire versus through-the-scope stents for the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction: A retrospective comparison study.

Overlapping self-expandable metallic stent for palliation of a long (>10?cm) malignant gastroduodenal obstruction.

Survival Benefit of Early Cancer Detection Through Regular Endoscopic Screening for De Novo Gastric and Colorectal Cancers in Korean Liver Transplant Recipients.

Associations between CYP2A6 polymorphisms and outcomes of adjuvant S-1 chemotherapy in patients with curatively resected gastric cancer.

Gastroduodenal stent placement versus surgical gastrojejunostomy for the palliation of gastric outlet obstructions in patients with unresectable gastric cancer: a propensity score-matched analysis.

Intraoperatively Assessed Macroscopic Serosal Changes in Patients with Curatively Resected Advanced Gastric Cancer: Clinical Implications for Prognosis and Peritoneal Recurrence

Long-Term Surgical Outcome of 1057 Gastric GISTs According to 7th UICC/AJCC TNM System

Phase 2 study of adjuvant chemotherapy with docetaxel, capecitabine, and cisplatin in patients with curatively resected stage IIIB-IV gastric cancer.

